Modification Case

Hengyang Luxgen audio refitting | Rebec car audio modification

Add Date:2018/6/15    Clicks:

Car audio modification as a personalized art, everyone has different requirements. Music enthusiasts with an extremely high demand for sound quality, their car sound system high demand is amazing, but some people think that a simple upgrade can meet the daily listening needs. There is no absolute standard for good music, just like it.

Configuration list

Equipment show

Based on the owner's listening preferences and the overall budget consideration, we recommend the Rebecqin R6L, a cost-effective loudspeaker, which has fast response speed, excellent dynamic processing, and brings real rhythm perception to the body. It is an excellent choice for performing dynamic rock music.

According to the conversation with the owner, we decided to install the treble unit on both sides of the instrument panel, which makes the sound field wider and improves the quality of sound.

The OWNER wanted a better SPEAKER, and he told us that he chose to install a well-fitted Rebagen RA85 amplifier to drive the full-field speaker. The DSP-406Q processor is also installed. They are hidden under the base of the car, not causing any impact on the space.

The owner to be installed when the sound of the test, when the music sounded, heard the sound always brings a clear and clean sense of beauty, the quality of the sound, the real sense of the scene, like the singer singing in your ears, and like jade bead compass as beautiful and colorful.