Modification Case

Hengshui audio modification| Peugeot 3008 audio upgrade| Rebeqin car audio - moving melody

Add Date:2017/12/29    Clicks:

The purpose of sound modification is ultimately in music! No matter what has been changed, what equipment is used, how beautiful and luxurious it is, in the end, if the sound quality does not pass the level, then everything is empty talk! How can a model as stylish as the Peugeot 3008 lack the ultimate good music? Sound retrofitting is also imperative!

Hengshui audio modification, Peugeot 3008 audio upgrade, Leibeiqin car audio, Hengshui audio upgrade, sound insulation project

The door position is done as a standard four-door double-layer sound insulation, after doing a good job, it can effectively reduce wind noise and resonance noise, and will form a box-like space, effectively help the play of the acoustics, and knock on the door with your hand or open and close the door back and forth will also feel that the door becomes thicker.

For audio enthusiasts who are just getting started, they are more or less confused in the choice of audio! Rebeqin P6A is a high-quality speaker specially created for entry-level music lovers, although it is entry-level, its material selection and craftsmanship are uncompromising, inheriting the rigorous design and precision quality of the Rebeqin brand! The original car can be easily pushed!

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