Modification Case

Humen audio modification| Toyota audio upgrade| Camry sound insulation project| Rebeqin car audio | noise treatment |

Add Date:2017/12/8    Clicks:

When you feel lonely after a long journey, playing a nostalgic golden song will make you look forward to reminiscing interesting past events, and suddenly no longer lonely; When you are upset, listen to a light and lyrical light music, and the mood will gradually relax; When you are driving with your partner, playing a rhythmic music or pop song adds infinite sweetness and happiness; When you drive with the whole family on a wild trip, play a brisk march that will make the whole family feel good and happy!

After the original door panel is disassembled, there is no sound insulation measure, which is very unfavorable to the work of the horn, and after the double-layer sound insulation treatment of the door, it can greatly reduce the wind noise and improve the sound quality of the speaker!

The owner likes to listen to the human voice, of course, the front sound field is of course essential Rebeqin RV6A This horn, the human voice is sweet and emotional, the mid-frequency performance is natural and smooth, the crossover is installed on the door panel, reducing the distortion of the horn, is a more natural flow of sound!

The rear sound field horn Rebeqin coaxial horn is installed behind the rear seats, which makes up for the lack of the front sound field very well, and as a sound field supplement, it also has a good performance!

The small size of the Rebec A75 amplifier can be well installed under the seat, which greatly reduces the occupancy of space in the car and provides sufficient power output for the sound field!

The DSP-204 is smaller, so whether you like rock or pop, you can adjust the music effect for different models!

After the modification is completed, the equipment of the whole system can not be described as careless! A full set of rebes equipment ensures the unity and coordination of the entire sound system! Melodious music instantly comes into being!