Modification Case

Toyota Leiling Audio Retrofitting and Upgrading Rebec Auto Audio

Add Date:2017/10/25    Clicks:

More people like to listen to the sound derived from the melody. Music, as an expression of sound, can be very pleasant; It can open one's heart. In listening to the music of the moment, more entranced, infatuated, that a happy note has been around your ear, so that you do not want to let it stop for a long time.

Sound insulation is double-layer treatment, sound insulation inner strip vibration and sound insulation paste method, strip paste method is based on the principle of water grain sound insulation: the outer whole sound insulation, enhance the door tightness, reduce the wind noise when driving at high speed!

The front sound field C6A is installed on the door which has been soundproofed. The sound quality is full and beautiful, balanced and attractive. High sensitivity, the original car main engine can be easily promoted, cost-effective! For owners who don't want a big fight, it's a good choice.

Rear sound field Rebette coaxial horn mounted, greatly complements the front sound field!