Modification Case

Honda CRV audio retrofit upgrade Rebec

Add Date:2017/9/13    Clicks:1282

Although the car audio can not communicate with it, but it is the driver of the best pour out, not the same style and style, writing is not the same mood. Listening to the happy and unhappy, as if with their own taste of life together. In order to make this old friend who has been with him can not reduce the strength, CRV owners of the car for audio modification upgrade!

Door panel selection of double-layer sound insulation, sound insulation inner strip vibration stop sound insulation paste method, strip paste method is based on the principle of water sound insulation: outer whole sound insulation, enhance door air tightness, reduce the speed of driving, wind noise.

Front sound field P6A installation, transient response is good, low frequency is plump! In the outer layer of the installation is sealed, not only to ensure good air tightness of the horn, but also to extend the life of the horn!

Tweeter unit mounted close-up, providing adequate sound field height!

In order to take care of the rear passenger's listening needs, after the sound field installed C6A, this horn cost performance is good, the original car host can promote! Medium bass and treble mounting.

After the modification, the sweet sound of the whole sound system makes people move, the timbre is warm and natural, and the connection between the sound field before and after is just right, it is really wonderful!