Modification Case

Dongguan car audio modification| Dongguan audio modification and upgrade| Dongguan Peugeot audio upgrade| Dongguan Peugeot 4008 audio modification| Peugeot 4008 modification and upgrade| Rebec car audio

Add Date:2018/10/22    Clicks:

The appearance of the Peugeot 4008 is dynamic, stylish and beautiful. Although classified as an urban SUV, its simple, crisp and rigid lines make its appearance and temperament closer to a hardcore SUV. Of course, this hardness on it is by no means a square shell like a Guardian or a Wrangler, but a combination of modern beauty full of power and fashion. The large-mouth grille and layered lines are the design features of the 4008, making the overall look extremely atmospheric and dynamic, and the tail is formal and emphasizes maturity and stability. Looking at the exterior details, you will feel from the heart that the Peugeot 4008 is a very "cool" model.

The appearance of the Peugeot 4008 is impeccable, but people who love music feel that the original sound quality of the Peugeot 4008 is very average. The owner, Mr. Chen, said that although he is not an audiophile, but the original car audio sound is not clear enough, listening to it for a long time is very annoying, especially when running at high speed, in order to improve the ordinary sound quality of the original car, choose to come to our car audio tuning shop for audio upgrade, enjoy the wonderful music. Moreover, Mr. Chen auditioned the sound in the professional audition room and quickly selected his own set of configurations.

Peugeot 4008 car audio tuning configuration list

Peugeot 4008 car audio modification equipment display

To do sound insulation does not have to change the sound, but to change the sound must do door panel sound insulation, four doors double-layer DJ environmental protection sound insulation materials for sound insulation, reduce noise, strengthen the sealing of the door panel, as far as possible to provide a good playback environment for the speaker, in order to play the effect of the speaker.

The front sound field speaker uses a Rebec RS6A two-way speaker, which has always been favored by car audio enthusiasts because of its super high cost performance, this speaker is characterized by a high degree of clarity to restore the most realistic music, with excellent balance, slightly bright timbre outstanding analytical power, pay attention to the sense of dynamics and impact. The later sound field choice upgrade is the Rebec RCX6A coaxial speaker, the same cost-effective synonym, has been praised by many riders, high sound balance, high resolution, and at the same time can form a unity of musical taste with the front sound field speaker. At the same time, Mr. Chen is also very particular about the bass aspect, and the addition of a Leibezen P10S subwoofer enhances the downpotential of the low audio part and supplements the lack of bass in the sound field.

Excellent sound quality is inseparable from a stable power supply. A Lei Beqin DSP-A8 II power amplifier, which can make up for the lack of power supply of the original car audio system, so that the speaker plays more stable and excellent. In addition to the details, the safety and power cords are selected according to the international AWG standard size and size.

Four-door DJ double-layer sound insulation and noise reduction treatment

The front soundstage Rebegen RS6A mid-bass is mounted on the door panels, and the tweeter is mounted in the door triangle

The Rebec RCX6A coaxial horn is installed in the original horn position of the door panel

The Rebegen DSP-A8 II amplifier is hidden under the saddle

The Rebec P10S subwoofer is installed in the rear tail box

The installation of the safety device ensures the safety of electricity in the car

Expertly tuned to the best effect

After some debugging, the final effect is of course refreshing, the whole cabin treble is clear and transparent, the midrange is rich and full, the slightly deep singing voice is particularly attractive, there is no dull and dry feeling, it is a perfect musical feast! Mr. Chen, who loves music very much, was of course very satisfied after hearing it.